Tuesday, December 07, 2004

carrie necklace

is a tv world really posible, i mean i was watching my fav show sex and the city, the episode when carrie goes off to paris, and it seems funny to compare new york lifestyle to the one in costarica, cause it would be nice to have 3 friends to go out with and have dinner, or hook up with someone, but is it just me or does it just happen in tv... one day a classmate told me you couldnt have a "date" in CR cause this country is so small you would end up bumping in with girls or guys you wouldnt want to see cause they where a lousy date or a bad one night stand, and i thought: well, thats an actual possibility. I mean i dont actually like having long term relationships, even thought im in one right know, sometimes things get kinda codependant and i dont like it, and its harder to get out of, and when i did had the chance to date a guy i knew before it didnt work out cause he was in a long term relationship, so my advice to you is stay single, stay it as long as you can....

1 comment:

geekbynature said...

"blog spam" the bastards who dare...